
Fr. Danny Convery, Tue 26 March 2019, Tue 26 March 2019, Taizé


Taizé: a prayerful experience in preparation for Easter

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Come and join us for a prayerful experience in preparation for Easter. You don’t have to do anything except be present in the Church and allow the Taize chants and short scripture passages to lead our hearts to a deeper awareness of how much Our Lord truly loves us.

Friday 5th April 7pm
St Margaret’s

"Stay here, keep watch and wait, watch and pray"

The Taizé community is an ecumenical monastic order with a strong devotion to peace and justice through prayer and meditation. The 100-strong community of Roman Catholic and Protestant monks is drawn from 30 countries across the world. The Taize community was founded on Easter day 1949.